Houston government keeps long term care waitlist under wraps

Houston government keeps long term care waitlist under wraps

After a commitment from the Houston government to make the waitlist for long-term care publicly available, the information remains a secret.

In response to growing concerns that the waitlist had not been updated since taking office in August, Houston’s minister of Long Term Care committed to releasing the information immediately in December 2021.

With the information still concealed, Liberal MLAs called for the waitlist to be revealed to the public at a Health committee meeting on January 11, 2022. In response, the deputy minister for Seniors and Long Term Care agreed to post the numbers “as soon as possible.”

But, six weeks later, Nova Scotians still do not know how long the wait is for their loved ones to secure a placement in long term care.

The Houston government has repeatedly failed to publicly release the waitlist, leaving families gripped with concern.

“Nova Scotians who need access to long term care need to know what the waitlist is. They – and their families need to be able to plan,” says Seniors and Long Term Care critic Kelly Regan. “Premier Houston ran on a commitment to transparency. It’s time his government lives up to that promise.”