Premier Tim Houston has said his Office of Health Care Professionals Recruitment is already seeing positive results – but Nova Scotians deserve to see the numbers.
Today Zach Churchill, critic for the Office of Health Care Professionals Recruitment, will be introducing the Healthcare Professionals Recruitment Accountability Act.
This Act would require the newly established healthcare professionals recruitment office to release monthly reports to the public on how many vacancies and new starts exist in our healthcare system for doctors, nurses and CCAs.
“This government was elected on bold promises of recruiting 2,000 healthcare professionals to Nova Scotia,” says Churchill. “We want to ensure we’re tracking those recruitment efforts.”
The Liberal bill will look at the whole picture; requiring reports at the start of each month which disclose how many healthcare professionals are needed in certain healthcare fields, and how many have been recruited.
“Premier Houston has said he wants his government to be held to account,” adds Churchill. “We agree that the government needs to be open and transparent on their healthcare recruitment efforts. This bill will ensure that reporting on vacancies, recruiting, and staffing levels are made public on a monthly basis.”